

Trinity 3 Readings: Jer. 20. 7-13; Rms. 6. 1b-11; Mt. 10. 24-39 Theme: Conflict   Our readings for today speak about what happens when we follow the Lord. In a word, ‘conflict’ happens. ‘Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a...

Out and About

Out and About

Trinity 2 Ex. 19. 2-8a; Ps. 100; Rms. 5. 1-8; Mt. 9.35-10.8 Theme: ‘Out and About’   Our readings for today speak to us about what it means to be ‘Out and About’ with Jesus. Obviously, for the Israelites, they did not know Jesus as we do after his life on earth, but what they...



Trinity 1: Hos. 5. 15-6. 6; Rms. 4. 13-end; Mt. 9. 9-13; 18-26 Theme: True Conversion   One of the great things to do in Rome is to go around the churches. There are so many with such beautiful art and architecture that you could literally spend a life time doing this and not finish...

Listen to Him!

Listen to Him!

Listen to Him! [RCL] Exodus 34:29-35; Psalm 99 or 99:5-9; 2 Peter 1:13-21; Luke 9:28-36 [God] spoke to them out of the pillar of cloud; they kept his testimonies and the decree that he gave them. O LORD our God, you answered them indeed (Psalm 99). Amen. The setting of today’s reading from Luke, the Transfiguration, is...



Trinity Sunday Is. 40. 12-17, 27-end; 2 Cor. 13. 11-end; Mt. 28. 16-end   At the end of the season of Easter, the church presents us with the culmination of the of the mystery of our creation, salvation, and sanctification, namely, the revelation that God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit: a Trinity of three...

The Spirit Creates the Church

The Spirit Creates the Church

Last Sunday, we celebrated the Ascension of the Lord. Today we celebrate the return of the Lord in a new manner through the coming of the Holy Spirit. This feast of Pentecost is also called the feast of the Church because it is the time when we celebrate the coming into being of the Church....

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

This Sunday, we reflect on the Ascension of the Lord to Heaven. Our first reading from Acts speaks of the Lord being lifted up to heaven in a cloud and taken out of the sight of his Galilean followers. These followers then return to Jerusalem, to the upper room where Peter, John, Mary and the...

To An Unknown God

To An Unknown God

It was probably near the Acropolis, on the Areopagus, the rocky outcrop opposite the beautiful Parthenon building, which was originally the temple dedicated to the goddess Athena, that Paul gave his speech to the people of Athens.   “People of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. For as I walked...

Keep your eyes open

Keep your eyes open

We came up here by car from Gibraltar, but just imagine you are in a carriage on a train or on a coach or even a plane. You don’t stare but you can’t help noticing the faces of the other passengers. Many of them look sad. So why are they sad? There are many reasons...

The Disciples were behind locked doors

The Disciples were behind locked doors

At San Pedro we read the following sermon, first preached by James Leggett in 2002. The disciples were behind locked doors because they were afraid. They were behind locked doors on Easter Day, and a week later, they were still huddled behind locked doors, frightened, hiding, and, at least in Thomas’ case, filled with doubt....