Thanks for thinking in donating

No matter how much you donate,

God appreciates any contribution


Donations may be made by cash or cheque, in the UK or in Spain, in sterling or in euros, at Sunday worship or by post, also by credit/debit card.

If you would like to make a donation by bank transfer you can transfer into a UK account or a Spanish account. Please contact our treasurer for the bank details by emailing:


Credit/debit card donations

These can be made via bank transfer or through the Justgiving website by clicking here, (one-off or monthly donations) JustGiving will also reclaim tax, if you pay UK tax.

(Please make it clear in the notes box, that this is for the Costa del Sol (West) chaplaincy)

JustGiving could charge for their services.

Sending Sterling Cheques by post

Send sterling cheques to the finance officer:

  • Diocesan Finance Officer
    14 Tufton Street
    London, SW1P 3QZ
    United Kingdom

Sending Euro Cheques by post

Send euro cheques to the Chaplaincy Treasurer:

  • c/o Chaplaincy House
    Calle Juan de Fuca, 27
    Beverly Hill
    Estepona 29680,

Thanks for thinking in donating


Like me, you probably do not like to dwell on thoughts of our own mortality. Yet for the Christian, it is right that we should spend some time contemplating the journey of our life from its beginning to its end. Part of that process is practical as well as spiritual; there are family and friends for whom we may make financial provisions, to hand on valued possessions to those whom we love.

When you do this, please do think about making a contribution, in the form of a legacy, to the Church for the continuation of its mission.

Our chaplaincy is self-supporting and its work is only possible because of the generosity of people like you – its worshippers. If you would like to arrange a legacy for the Costa del Sol (West) Anglican Chaplaincy, we would suggest you use the following wording when making a UK will;

I give to the Diocese in Europe whose registered office is situated at 14, Tufton Street London SW1P 3QZ, the sum of xxx Pounds to be applied for the mission and extension of the Costa del Sol (West) Anglican Chaplaincy and I declare that a receipt from the Diocesan secretary for the time being of the Diocese in Europe will be sufficient receipt for my executors for the same.

By using this wording you should ensure UK Inheritance Tax is not applied to your gift.  If you are making a will in Spain the following words, translated into Spanish by your lawyer, are appropriate.

I give to the Capellania Anglicana de la Costa del Sol (West), CIF # R2900260G, Chaplaincy House, Calle Juan de Fuca 27, Urb Beverley Hill, 29680 Estepona, Malaga, and registered with the Federacion de Entidades Religiosas Evangélicas de España # 3034-SE/D, the sum of xxx euros to be applied for the mission and extension of the Capellania Anglicana de la Costa del Sol (West) and declare that a receipt from the treasurer for the time being of the Capellania Anglicana de la Costa del Sol (West) will be sufficient for my executors for the same.

Your gift will help future generations to worship and carry out God’s mission here on the Costa del Sol (West).