The Diocese in Europe promotes “Safe Churches” as part of our commitment to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults who may be at risk.
Checks & Training
The Chaplaincy takes safeguarding of all people seriously. We must be a church where anyone can walk in and know that they will not be harmed, abused, bullied or exploited.
The type of abuse we are talking about is described in the diocesan policy here.
We require a variety of on-line training, face-to-face training and criminal record checks on all those who hold responsible positions in the church who may consequently come into contact with vulnerable adults or young people.
The Diocese has a policy on Safeguarding which we follow and we have our own policy too. A copy of our policy can be found here.
There are two elements to ensuring those who have particular responsibilities are safe.
These elements are :
- Checking there is no criminal record which might make it impossible for a particular person to undertake some responsibility. In the UK this used to be a report from the Criminal Records Bureau called a CRB Check, but is now called a Disclosure and Barring Service DBS Certificate, and
- Training the person with responsibility to an appropriate level in Safeguarding issues.
Details of training can be found here.
Any issues regarding Safeguarding should be directed, in the first place,
to the Chaplaincy Safeguarding Officer – Jean Kerr-Hill:
Details of who to contact at the Diocesan office can be found here: