SPRING FAIR! – 20th May 2023 An opportunity to meet our new Chaplain, Tony & his wife Gisela outside of a Church service.We are going to hold a Spring Fair at the American Club – ACE club (C/San Roque 65) in Estepona, on Saturday 20th May. Stalls, raffle, food, excellent company. But it won’t happen...
Category: Hope
Christ – the One who enlightens
SPRING FAIR! – 20th May 2023 An opportunity to meet our new Chaplain, Tony & his wife Gisela outside of a Church service.We are going to hold a Spring Fair at the American Club – ACE club (C/San Roque 65) in Estepona, on Saturday 20th May. Stalls, raffle, food, excellent company. But it won’t happen...
Christ – the Living Water
CHURCH ANNUAL MEETING – 28th May 2023 Advance Notice We will be holding our Annual Chaplaincy at the end of May at San Pedro. This is an important meeting and the first with our new Chaplain. Everyone is urged to try and attend if at all possible. More details will be made available in the...
Christ our Light
Sotogrande – Help required Could you volunteer to help as Sacristan at Sotogrande occasionally? It means preparing the altar for Communion and clearing away afterwards at Anglican services – something that can be easily learned.Our current Sacristans are usually available, but it would be good to have someone else if the need arises Service ON-LINE...
Father, may they all be One
Sotogrande – Help required Could you volunteer to help as Sacristan at Sotogrande occasionally? It means preparing the altar for Communion and clearing away afterwards at Anglican services – something that can be easily learned.Our current Sacristans are usually available, but it would be good to have someone else if the need arises Service ON-LINE...
Lost and Found
San Pedro, Anglican Communion at 10 am.Sotogrande, Anglican Communion at 12 Noon. “Lost and Found” “Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy.” Thomas Merton SERVICES ON-LINE ANGLICAN – Chaplaincy YouTube Channel: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCaebO3PIwJe_uUpTnOcmg2A/videos METHODIST – Join at 11 am on: www.methodist.org.gi/sunday-service
The Bible Project
Do you want to know more about the Bible, but are unsure how to go about it? The Bible Project (www.bibleproject.com) is an excellent place to start learning more, containing short and easy-to-follow videos on all the books of the Bible as well as many of the themes. It is a great introduction to some...