God the Gardener

God the Gardener

We are made in the image of God – as the Bible says in Genesis. Tzelem Elohim in Hebrew, Genesis 1:27 but also James 3 – you find it! Somehow or other we are created like God. How? Well as a species we are notoriously creative. Gardening is key in that. Joanna arrived with her...

The Gospel of Spiritual Health

The Gospel of Spiritual Health

We are made in the image of God – as the Bible says in Genesis. Tzelem Elohim in Hebrew, Genesis 1:27 but also James 3 – you find it! Somehow or other we are created like God. How?Well as a species we are notoriously creative. Gardening is key in that. Joanna arrived with her brother...

The Voice

The Voice

I was talking with Hans, one-time professor of English Literature about words and their limitations in expressing what we feel. Looking through the Church Times at the jobs available. There one appears. I say no way, I’m retiring. And then read the reading from Isaiah for Sunday. The last king of Judah that had any...

Not that kind of power

Not that kind of power

The idea of receiving some divine power is definitely appealing. You will know how anti-Brexit I was when we arrived. After so much work, writing, thinking, statistics, and truth-telling – it made little or no difference. Adrian Low is powerless. When I see the 10-year-old child in Gaza asking why all this bombing is happening,...

What happened to them, to us?

What happened to them, to us?

There’s the story of the young Welshman who was thinking of making a marriage proposal to two women – Blodwyn and Maria. He couldn’t decide between them and so, as a good Christian, went to pray about it at church. He knelt in the nave facing the altar and cried, Lord, Lord, should it be...

God in Love

God in Love

We are made in the image of God – as the Bible says in Genesis. Tzelem Elohim in Hebrew, Genesis 1:27 but also James 3 – you find it! Somehow or other we are created like God. How? Well as a species we are notoriously creative. Gardening is key in that. Joanna arrived with her...

God in us

God in us

The Sunday after Easter, you may remember, there was a baptism in church at San Pedro. The boyfriend is a Coptic Orthodox Christian from Egypt. Further South the Ethiopian Orthodox Church claim a founder of their denomination to be the eunuch baptised by Phillip in the river. Ethiopia did not exist then, the translation is...

Shepherding economy or not?

Shepherding economy or not?

Love me love my dog is very British, Peter Shelly had a hit with it in 1975. The nation of pet lovers. I met someone recently who’s mother had died after a period of terminal illness, and who’s dog had to be put down, suddenly. The grief for the dog seemed to overwhelm the grief...

Ghosts don’t eat!

Ghosts don’t eat!

Mostly people are very secretive about seeing things. I mean visions. Most of us – maybe all of us dream but we are mostly able to distinguish between a dream and reality. Perhaps that is why we are secretive. If we see a vision does it mean that we are mentally unstable – and who...

Celebrating the diversity of the church

Celebrating the diversity of the church

There are two certificates on the wall of my father’s and step mothers’ apartment, both signed by Phillip. Both were members/officers of the order of the British Empire and HRH Prince Phillip was the Grand Master. You would have had to be locked away in a cave not to know that His Royal Highness Prince...