Wedding, Memorial and Funeral donations fees

Thank you for thinking of using our Chaplaincy for your event.

The minimum donations are set by the Chaplaincy Council. Which is the body reporting to the Church of England’s Diocese in Europe. They are broadly in line (subject to exchange rate variations) with the fees charged by the Church of England in English parish churches. The fees are treated as charitable donations, so you are able to pay them using Gift Aid so that we can recover a further 28% from the UK tax man if you pay UK tax. If you wish to do this, you will need to pay the fee in the equivalent sterling to the Diocesan sterling account in the UK. If you do this, please make it clear on the transaction that it is for Costa del Sol West Chaplaincy and what it is for.



Cheques or deposits via bank transfer in the UK

Please make the cheque payable to the Diocese in Europe:
Costa del Sol (West) chaplaincy

We will give you more details directly during the process of making arrangements.

Please make it clear that this is for the Costa del Sol (West) chaplaincy, you may wish to fill out one of the forms on the left, such as the gift aid declaration so that we can reclaim the tax.

Cheques or deposits via bank transfer in Spain

During the process of making arrangements we will give you the details so that you can make bank transfers.

Sending Sterling Cheques by post

Send sterling cheques to the finance officer:

  • Diocesan Finance Officer
    14 Tufton Street
    London, SW1P 3QZ
    United Kingdom

Sending Euro Cheques by post

Send euro cheques to the Chaplaincy Treasurer:

  • c/o Chaplaincy House
    Calle Juan de Fuca, 27
    Beverly Hill
    Estepona 29680,

Note on Funerals:

Normally the Spanish funeral director will give the fee/donation to the Chaplain so that the family deals financially only with the funeral director.


Note on Baptisms, Christenings and Confirmations:

No fees are expected for Christenings or Confirmations, but donations are always welcome!

Need help?

Any questions please contact the Chaplaincy treasurer officer: Ian Angus