• “Songs of Praise”at San Pedro Anglican Communion | 10 am.
  • “Ears to hear and hearts to receive?” at Sotogrande Anglican Communion |12 noon.

Advance Notice:


We will be holding our Annual Chaplaincy Meeting at the end of May at San Pedro. This is an important meeting and the first with our new Chaplain. Everyone is urged to try and attend if at all possible. More details will be made available in the coming weeks.
There are a number of positions on the Church council which are up for election this year in addition to the annual re-election of Church Wardens. The post of assistant Treasurer is one we are keen to fill.
The smooth running of our Chaplaincy depends on members of the congregation being prepared to be involved. If you like to be more involved please speak to one of the existing members of the council – their details are on the noticeboards. Anyone who has been on the Chaplaincy Electoral roll for at least 6 months is eligible to stand for election.
If you are interested in any of the positions on the council please contact our vice-chair, Jean Kerr-Hill on kerrhillspain@yahoo.co.uk