Greetings from your New Chaplain

Greetings from your New Chaplain

So Glad to be Here! This is a short note to send you greetings from the new chaplain at the Costa del Sol West Chaplaincy in Spain. We are part of the Anglican Diocese in Europe and provide spiritual support for you of the Anglican tradition in this part of the world.

To an unknown God

To an unknown God

General Notice: CHAPLAINCY LUNCH AFTER THE ACM After we have finished all the formal business at the ACM we expect everybody will be hungry and thirsty so we are going to have a combined congregation lunch for anyone who would like to join us.The lunch is probably going to be at ‘La Tradicional’ which is...

May 12, 2023May 12, 2023by
Songs of Praise

Songs of Praise

Advance Notice: CHURCH ANNUAL MEETING – 28th May 2023 We will be holding our Annual Chaplaincy Meeting at the end of May at San Pedro. This is an important meeting and the first with our new Chaplain. Everyone is urged to try and attend if at all possible. More details will be made available in...

May 5, 2023May 12, 2023by
The Word of God active in Creation

The Word of God active in Creation

Frontline The next Frontline meeting for members of both congregations will be taking place at the home of Geoff &Lesley Fabron in Duquesa, Manilva, We will be looking at the book of Ruth and how God works through ordinary people. As a preparation watch the book overview from the Bible Project: Watch: Ruth Bible Book...

February 9, 2023February 9, 2023by
The Church as a Light

The Church as a Light

Frontline The next Frontline meeting for members of both congregations will be taking place at the home of Geoff &Lesley Fabron in Duquesa, Manilva, We will be looking at the book of Ruth and how God works through ordinary people. As a preparation watch the book overview from the Bible Project: Watch: Ruth Bible Book...

February 2, 2023February 9, 2023by
Enlightenment and Joy

Enlightenment and Joy

Frontline The next Frontline meeting for members of both congregations will be taking place at the home of Geoff &Lesley Fabron in Duquesa, Manilva, We will be looking at the book of Ruth and how God works through ordinary people. As a preparation watch the book overview from the Bible Project: Watch: Ruth Bible Book...

January 26, 2023February 9, 2023by
Christ our Light

Christ our Light

Sotogrande – Help required Could you volunteer to help as Sacristan at Sotogrande occasionally? It means preparing the altar for Communion and clearing away afterwards at Anglican services – something that can be easily learned.Our current Sacristans are usually available, but it would be good to have someone else if the need arises Service ON-LINE...

January 20, 2023January 20, 2023by
Father, may they all be One

Father, may they all be One

Sotogrande – Help required Could you volunteer to help as Sacristan at Sotogrande occasionally? It means preparing the altar for Communion and clearing away afterwards at Anglican services – something that can be easily learned.Our current Sacristans are usually available, but it would be good to have someone else if the need arises Service ON-LINE...

January 16, 2023January 16, 2023by
Big Sing 5 – Save the date!

Big Sing 5 – Save the date!

It is planned that Big Sing 5 will take place on Saturday 15th October in Sotogrande church with New Irish Arts and local singers/choirs as before. If you would like to be involved, please contact If you have sung before and would like to register for this concert, please do so asap at the...

October 2, 2022October 3, 2022by
Our new Chaplain

Our new Chaplain

We are now able to share with everyone the name of our new Chaplain, although with the caveat that it is still subject to obtaining a Visa from the Spanish authorities!  His name is Rev. Dr. Tony Carroll and together with his wife Gisela, they are looking forward to joining us. There is a picture...

September 25, 2022September 30, 2022by