3rd Sunday of Easter 14th April Readings: Acts 3. 12-19; 1 Jn. 3. 1-7; Lk. 24. 36b-48 Theme: The Acts of the Apostles Over the next weeks until Pentecost, we will be reading the Acts of the Apostles as our first reading and so I thought that I would use this sermon to introduce this...
Author: Tony Carroll (Tony Carroll)
The Resurrection
Easter Sunday March 31 2024 Readings: Is. 25. 6-9; Acts 10. 34-43; Jn. 20. 1-18 Theme: “The Resurrection is Revelation”: Αποκαλύπτω = (R=⨜ws Δa^2) (R= Revelation; ⨜= integral of; W= Word; S= Sacrament; Δ=Transformation; a^2=absence 1 x absence 2) A very happy Easter 2024 to you all. The feast of the Resurrection of the Lord,...
Palm Sunday
24 March Palm Sunday Opening Reading: Jn. 12. 12-16 Liturgy of the Word: Is. 50. 4-9a; Philippians 2. 5-11; Mk. 15. 1-39 40-end Theme: Palm Sunday Today marks the start of Holy Week. That time in the church’s year when we remember the passion, death and resurrection of the Lord. Palm Sunday is a pivotal...
The Priesthood of Christ
Fifth Sunday of Lent 17 March 2024 Readings: Jer. 31. 31-34; Heb. 5. 5-10; Jn. 12. 20-33 Theme: The Priesthood of Christ Today we begin Passiontide. The time which prepares us to enter Holy Week, the celebration of the Passion and death of Our Lord. It is a most solemn time that we now enter...
Mary, Mother of God
Mothering Sunday 4th Sunday of Lent 10 March 2024 Readings: 1 Sam. 1. 20-28; Ps. 34. 11-20; John 19. 25b-27 Theme: Mary, Mother of God I can’t help but think of our dear parishioner Anne Gibbs, who died in November last year, when I hear our first reading today from 1 Samuel. This is the...
The Weakness of God
3rd Sunday of Lent 3 March Readings: Exod. 20. 1-17; 1 Cor. 1. 18-25; Jn. 2. 13-22 Theme: The Weakness of God When we profess our creed as the transitional point between the liturgy of the Word and the liturgy of the sacrament each week, we profess that, “We believe in one God, the Father,...
The Price of the New Covenant
Sermon 2nd Lent 25 February Readings: Gen. 17. 1-7, 15-16; Rom. 4. 13-25; Mk. 8. 31-38 Theme: The Price of the New Covenant The idea of the “covenant” is central to the theology of the Old Testament. There is not one single account of the covenant but several, and this has led to a variety...
The Waters of Baptism
Sermon First Sunday of Lent 18 February Readings: Gen. 9. 8-17; 1 Peter 3. 18-22; Mark 1. 9-15 Theme: The waters of baptism On this our first Sunday of Lent we are presented with the theme of the waters of baptism to launch us on the journey of this Lenten season. In this part of...
Jesus and the Transfiguration of Israel
Sunday next before Lent 11 February Readings: 2 Kings 1-12; 2 Corinthians 4. 3-6; Mark 9. 2-9 Theme: Jesus and the transfiguration of Israel The readings today invite us to reflect on the sonship of Jesus and what his unique identity means for us. They are set within the Old Testament context of the question...
And the Word became flesh
Sermon 4 Feb 2nd before Lent Readings: Prov. 1. 22-31; Col. 1. 15-20; Jn. 1. 1-14 Theme: And the Word became flesh All our readings today invite us to reflect on the creation. The reading from Proverbs speaks of wisdom being the creative power of the Word of God who calls us into being. We...