Blessed are the Poor

Blessed are the Poor

16 February, 3rd Sunday before Lent Readings: Jer. 17. 5-10; 1 Cor. 15. 12-20; Lk. 6. 17-26 Theme: Blessed are the Poor Being a so-called ‘Jeremiah’ is often associated with looking on the bleak side of things. And, there is definitely some of that in our first reading today from the prophet Jeremiah. Those who...

Gone Fishing!

Gone Fishing!

9 Feb, 4th Sunday Before Lent Readings: Is. 6. 1-8 (9-13); 1 Cor. 15. 1-11; Lk. 5.1-11 Theme: ‘Gone Fishing!’ Both our Old and New Testament readings today speak about the transformations brought to a life by the call of God. The first reading is full of rich symbolism. We have a large throne with...

A Light to the Nations

A Light to the Nations

The Presentation of Christ, February 2, 2025 Readings: Malachi 3.1-5; Heb. 2.14-18; Lk. 2.22-40 Theme: A Light to the Nations Even though we may have put away our decorations several weeks ago now, today marks the liturgical end of the Christmas season. Candlemas, the feast of light which takes place forty days after Christmas day,...

Reading the Scriptures

Reading the Scriptures

Third Sunday of Epiphany, 26 January Readings: Neh. 8. 1-3, 5-6, 8-10; 1 Cor. 12. 12-31a; Lk. 4. 14-21 Theme: Reading the Scriptures Chapter four of Luke’s gospel narrates the beginning of the Galilean ministry of Jesus. Just like the priest and scribe Ezra, Jesus reads the scriptures for the people. When the New Testament...

Water into Wine

Water into Wine

Epiphany 2: 19 January 2025 Readings: Is. 62.1-5; 1 Cor. 12.1-11; Jn. 2.1-11 Theme: Water into Wine This is surely one of the best known and most loved passages in the gospels. Everybody loves a wedding! This is the first of the signs Jesus unfurls before the eyes of the public and it is an...

When you pass through the waters

When you pass through the waters

The Baptism of Christ, 12 January 2025 Readings: Is. 43.1-7; Acts 8.14-17; Lk. 3. 15-17, 21-22 Theme: When you pass through the waters It is often good to ask a question because it helps us to better understand something. The question that I would like to pose at the feast of the baptism of Jesus...

The Holy Family

The Holy Family

29 December, Christmas I 2024 Readings: 1 Sam. 2.18-20,26; Col. 3.12-17; Lk. 2.41-end Theme: The Holy Family The scene that we are presented with in St Luke’s gospel today, of the finding of Jesus in the temple after three days, is clearly not without echoes of what the life and death of Jesus will entail....

And the Word Became Flesh

And the Word Became Flesh

25 December, Christmas Day 2024 Readings: Is. 52. 7-10; Heb. 1. 1-4; Jn. 1. 1-14 Theme: And the Word became Flesh A very happy Christmas to you, to all your families and your friends. I very much hope that this time is full of grace for you as you take time to contemplate the birth...

Promise and Fulfilment

Promise and Fulfilment

22 December, Advent 4 Readings: Micah 5.2-5a; Hebrews 10.5-10; Luke 1.39-55 Theme: Promise and Fulfilment In this new liturgical year, which we begin each year on the first Sunday in Advent, the gospel of St Luke will accompany us throughout, with some exceptions. We will have the whole year, with occasional breaks, studying the gospel...

Rejoice Jerusalem!

Rejoice Jerusalem!

3rd Sunday of Advent 15 December Readings: Zephaniah 3. 14-20; Phil. 4. 4-7; Lk. 3. 7-18 Theme: Rejoice Jerusalem! On this third Sunday of Advent, traditionally known as ‘Gaudete Sunday’, from the Latin ‘rejoice ye’, the focus of our liturgy is on the joy of the coming of the Lord. In the medieval church, Advent...